Right now I should be in Seattle spending quality time (i.e. karaoke-ing) with my friend Jess. Just like this past weekend I should’ve been in sunny southern California at Diane & Todd’s blogger bash… but, no. Instead, I was informed (on my way to the airport on Friday) that my airplane would be delayed to the point that I would miss my connection. Mind you, this was the last connecting flight to southern California that evening. So, does the airline offer to put me up at a hotel for the night? Does the airline even care to compensate me in any way? No and no. I just barely got my money back from the extremely rude supervisor and had to turn around and go home.
I make it a habit not to let things to get under my skin and so I tried to have a good weekend despite all the mishaps. As is the case with most foodies, our best weekends always tend to start with a visit to the local farmer’s market. I did just that.
Eastern Market in DC:

The flowers speak for themselves. Everywhere I turned there were different patterns and colors… it always baffles me how these things just grow on the ground (is this just me?).

Even though I’m usually freaked out by bees (and most other flying creatures for that matter), this one looked so calm eating and minding its own bee-sniz. I opted for the other food at the market and snacked on a the wide array of fruits and heirloom tomatoes on display that day (definitely one of my favorite things about farmer’s markets).

How could anyone resist? Seriously, these peaches tasted as ripe and juicy as they look. I took some home and on the metro ride thought of the possibilities. I narrowed it down to peach cobbler or peach galette and since a galette is more Mediterranean, I went with that.

Galettes (or crostatas as they’re known in Italy) are rustic looking tarts. This means no fuss with tart pans or delicately crimping edges. That’s exactly what I did not need this past weekend. No; galettes are super easy and you can pretty much fill them with whatever fruit you would normally bake with.

OK, so even though the crust already has a ton of butter to begin with, I just couldn’t resist adding a tiny sliver on top… Since we’re topping these with a sprinkling of sugar, we need something for the sugar to stick to, right? Sound logic, especially when you’ve been having such a crummy weekend.

If I wasn’t going to be able to see my good friends on the West coast, I was going to need a few of these tarts (3 to be exact) to cheer me up. In my defense (ahem, Adam), I did go to the gym shortly afterwards. If you haven’t already tuned into Adam’s blog, umm… you should. He’s a foodie/health guru who allows the occasional indulgence (if executed properly, of course).
Peach Galettes
yields approx. 4-5 individual galettes
- 225 g flour
- 115 g butter, unsalted (1 stick)
- zest of 1 lemon
- 2 tbsp amaretto, chilled
- 2 tbsp water, chilled
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- half a peach per galette
- slivers of butter & sugar for topping
Putting them all together
- Pulse cold butter and flour in the food processor until you reach a mealy texture.
- add the lemon zest, salt and sugar. Slowly add one tablespoon of liquid at a time until the dough just barely begins to come together.
- Wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate.
- Once dough has chilled, divide it and roll out each piece to 1/4 inch thickness.
- Slice peach halves and fan on top of dough. Fold edges inward to contain the peaches.
- Top with a sliver of butter and a healthy sprinkling of sugar.
- Bake in a 400 degree F oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

I just started gardening last month and so I’m relatively new to all this… does anyone know if I can grow a peach tree from these pits?
Hi, Tony
Thanks for visiting us at the virtual Beekman. We really enjoyed looking around your blog. You do a wonderful job with it.
If you ever want to drive a few miles north of Ithaca, we’d love to host you at the Beekman for the weekend. (Of course, we would both have to blog about it)
Ahh, I love the Eastern Market. I was just there a few weeks ago and wanted to snap some pics but got a little claustrophobic. Suppose going on a Saturday afternoon will do that to ya. Great photos & recipe!
I love crotadas, Italy with all it’s sweets and you for being a good sport. I might have been really p’d off at the supervisor but like you would have found solace at the Farmer’s Market and something sweet. We should get together LOL! Then you can make me several of these gorgeous looking crostadas!
Those flowers are gorgeous as is the galette.
I’m sorry to hear about the airport dude, and I’m surprised they did pretty much nothing for you. What a bunch of losers.
But, I’m glad you don’t let that stuff get you down, and hey, we all get to enjoy your galettes now 🙂 Those peaches look amazing, and you’re sooo right about ‘hand held goodness’.
You had three? Haha, rough day. The gym works wonders for rough days too… I’m glad you took advantage. If a couple more planes cancel in your future, you’ll look like Arnold.
Ooooh! You know how I just love little servings and these galettes are it!! I’m so sorry about the airline mishaps. They are quite good at screwing people over. Glad you were able to make the most of it.
These little beauties look delicious! This is my idea of a near-perfect dessert . . . the only thing missing is a cup of French Roast steaming next to it! 🙂 Nice work; thanks for sharing the recipe!
these look amazing! i don’t know anything about growing peaches but i am guessing that cracking open the pits might be step one.
The galettes look terrific. I’m going to have a bunch of pastry left over this afternoon, your entry has given me an idea 🙂
recipe looks awesome
as far as growing your own tree from the pits,chances are the peaches you used were a hybrid of some sort and second generation fruits or vegetables tend to be of lesser quality than those of their parent plant. plus it would take a few years to get a tree big enough to yield fruits.
As lovely as ever!
Bummer about the flight, but, Tony, those galettes are incredible. It looks like the sun contained in pastry!
I love the size of these pies and the beautiful way you arranged the slices inside.
I second what Chuck said. You don’t know if the peaches you had were hybrids or not and the seeds might not be worth growing and it does take a lot of time.
Great pictures, and nice lookin’ blog!
see it wasn’t so bad missing the flight afterall ! u get to go to the farmers market n we get to see a lovely peach galette. BTW my friend’s( whom i told u abt) name is also jess/jas (short ofcourse) … what a co-incidence rite ??
Oh I love Eastern Market, and wish it were closer. I could seriously spend every weekend there. Your peach tarts are beautiful.
Also, I have some instructions (somewhere) for growing peach trees. I’ll dig them up and send you a copy.
These individualpeach galettes are a great dessert option. I will prepare them for the Sunday dinner and then maybe I will have one left to take to the office on Monday. If any is left 🙂
What a lovely post. The flowers and galettes are just gorgeous and the perfect thing for the end of summer.
It will take years for that peach pit (if its even useable, don’t know if its a modified hybrid or not) to grow big enough to begin bearing fruit. The average peach tree takes about 2-3 years depending on location to start producing fruit, or at least enough to use.
yumm! who doesn’t love fresh peaches? And who doesn’t love recipe that use fresh peaches?! great job, those look wonderful!!!
Yummy peach galettes! Love how they are mini sized. Hey, where does the amaretto factor in? Is that what you refer to as “liquid” in the recipe directions? Sorry if I missed it. Thanks!
Why didn’t I think of that!!??
I’ve been wanting to make a galette but didn’t want a big thing to have to eat (have to ;). making them Mini is perfect!!!!!
those pictures! and those little peachy heavens! well done.
Decadent galettes! One of my favorite desserts. Amaretto is a lovely touch.
mini galettes! love it!
I like your ‘mise-en-place’ pictures. I never had peach galettes but love apple galettes.
Thanks for the great challenge this month. I had a good time making eclairs for the first time!
As far as growing peach trees from pits, my uncle has this gigantic peach tree growing in his crowded little city backyard, and every year he digs up the seedlings that have grown up from the fallen pits and gives them away– I took a few, and in about four or five years, I had peaches growing! Apparently you do have to worry about if the peach is a hybrid though, because then I think a plant will grow from the seed, but the plant won’t produce fruit, or at least not the fruit you’re expecting! good luck!
Beautiful galettes. The close-up photos are lovely, I just wish I could get a free sample :D. Lovely dessert.
We’d like to invite you to participate in our September apple and peach recipe contest (the recipe can be sweet or savory). All competitors will be eligible to win one of three prizes :)! Please email me, sophiekiblogger@gmail.com, if you’re interested.
Thanks :),
KI Chief Blogger
these are absolutely gorgeous!
Those look amazing! Any thoughts how the best way to store them, and how long they will keep?
Thanks Fiona! If you keep them in an airtight container inside the refrigerator they should last 2-3 days? They might last longer, but they’ve never made it past the 2nd day at my house 🙂 I hope this helps!